Actions are guided by thoughts and not matter how big are actions if they are controlled by evil minds . Actions are the result of desires , dreams , experiences . At same time your actions have worth if they can serve to another people . With this I do not want to say that we just have to do things for everyone but if you can notice it , when you make something , there shall be another humans that can take advantage of you , only then your actions have really meaning and worth .
Si esto no es así entonces seríamos egoístas .
Muy Interesante!
It is true that an image may be worth a thousand words, but actions speak much louder than anything else could possibly express.
Actions are guided by thoughts and not matter how big are actions if they are controlled by evil minds . Actions are the result of desires , dreams , experiences . At same time your actions have worth if they can serve to another people . With this I do not want to say that we just have to do things for everyone but if you can notice it , when you make something , there shall be another humans that can take advantage of you , only then your actions have really meaning and worth .
Si esto no es así entonces seríamos egoístas .